At Snow Trade Pty Limited Direct investment security is of paramount importance. We employ strong measures to protect your account and personal information. In appreciation of the trust that you have placed in us and our strong commitment to security, Snow Trade Pty Limited is proud to offer the following Guarantee: You will receive 100% reimbursement for any losses that you have incurred, resulting from an unauthorized online activity in your Snow Trade Pty Limited investment account*. *The Guarantee is subject to Restrictions, Limitations and client meeting responsibilities. See Guarantee Restrictions, Guarantee Limitations and Client Responsibilities.

Guarantee Restrictions

The Guarantee does not apply, if, deliberately or inadvertently:

  1. You fail to follow your customer responsibilities as noted below (Client Responsibilities);
  2. You fail to promptly alert Snow Trade Pty Limited about the unauthorized activity by contacting us
  3. You have allowed or enabled access to your email account used for correspondence with Snow Trade Pty Limited investment;
  4. You have allowed or enabled access to your sensitive personal information (e.g. SIN) that may be used to impersonate you to Snow Trade Pty Limited investment;
  5. The disputed activity has been performed or initiated by an individual with whom you have shared your account access information or to whom you have granted investment authority or a power of attorney over your account(s);
  6. You refuse to co-operate fully with Snow Trade Pty Limited during the course of any consequential investigation. The full cooperation may include, but is not limited to, answering questions from Snow Trade Pty Limited investment and law enforcement authorities, access to your personal computer or other access devices, filing a police report, and completing notarized affidavit regarding the unauthorized activity; and You refuse to sign a release, as a condition of reimbursement.

Snow Trade Pty Limited investment Responsibilities

At Snow Trade Pty Limited Direct investment the security and confidentiality of your information is of paramount importance. We employ several electronic, physical and procedural measures to protect the privacy of your personal information and confidential communications.

Client Responsibilities

You are responsible for keeping your Snow Trade Pty Limited Direct Investment account details and access information confidential. You must take the following measures to help protect yourself from fraud, especially when using the internet.

  1. Frequently review your Snow Trade Pty Limited investment account holdings and transaction history.
  2. Promptly review and reply to any Snow Trade Pty Limited investment correspondence with you regarding unauthorized activity.
  3. Keep your account access information (User ID and password) protected and confidential at all times.
  4. Enable Multi-Factor authentication using Software OTP (i.e. Okta Verify, Google Authenticator etc) solution or SMS as the second factor. Use of e-mail as a second factor is not secure and is not recommended.
  5. Protect your computer with up-to-date anti-malware software.
  6. Install a firewall.
  7. Protect your internet connection, especially when using a wireless network.
  8. Ensure your browser and operating systems are up-to-date, including installation of security patches as soon as they become available.
  9. Avoid using public computers.
  10. Protect yourself from online fraud and Phishing.